
James W. Stewart


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker


Cell: 419-704-2549





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  Regular Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2024

CALL TO ORDER: by chairman Mike Parker at 7 pm.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by chairman Mike Parker

ROLL CALL: Trustees Parker and Leber present as well as Fiscal Officer Phil David and Road Superintendent Andy Dunlap

MINUTES Minutes were sent out electronically.  Mr. Leber moved to approve the minutes, Mr. Parker provided a second, motion carried.

GUESTS: Fiscal Officer-Elect Melissa Pelletier and resident Brian Miller were present.  Also present were retired Trustee Jim Stewart and his wife Debi.  Mr. Stewart thanked the Trustee’s for all that they had done for him in transitioning to retirement and for assisting in the small gathering for his retirement during the February 6 meeting.

ZONING INSPECTOR: Mr. David reported no permits issued. He did report that Fred and Debra Fowler will be applying for a zoning variance to build an accessory building at 12246 Patten Tract Rd. prior to building a new residence John Schenk will supposedly apply for a conditional use permit for the property at the NW corner of Taylor Rd and Campbell St.  Nathan Grude inquired about obtaining a conditional use permit to allow bed and breakfast use for his property at 6504 Mason Rd.


Mr. Dunlap reported that the installation of the new catch basin on Harris Rd in front of the Tackett residence was completed by Paul Fox & Sons Excavating. Only minor ground touchup remains when weather allows.  Andy replaced a stolen “Dead End” sign on Campbell St. north of Taylor Rd.  He also refurbished the Ransom Rd. shop lavatory by replacing the sink, toilet, and exhaust fan.  Andy received detailed drawings and a request for a permit from Aspen Utility Company for fiber optic cable work on township roads in the southeast part of the township.  Andy also said he attended CPR training and drug free workplace training last week with at Margaretta Township Fire Department.


Scott Leber provided two bids for siding the township building.

Mike Parker reported that it was decided by Groton, Margaretta, Perkins, Oxford Twps. Sand Hill Cemetery Committee that summer lawn care for the cemetery would be done “in house” with Margaretta as the lead using summer student help and coordinating the maintenance with the other townships.  Up to now, maintenance has been done under contract at an approximate cost of $10,000 a year.   Mr. Parker briefly described a consideration for a zoning change made during Ohio Senate Committee on Housing that would make zoning regulations established at the State level with counties implementing the regulations. This was proposed as local zoning is considered by developers to be an impediment to development.  Mr. Parker, as president of the Erie County Township Association, received unanimous consent from Erie County townships to send a letter to the Ohio Township Association (OTA) expressing concern and support for OTA’s position opposing any such reform. 

FISCAL OFFICER – no report.

COMMUNICATIONS:   The Erie County Community Foundation (Oxford Twp. Fund established by Sloma family) sent its annual notice of fund availability.  Available distribution was almost $ 1,000.  Trustees agreed not to accept any distribution this year, and will consider distribution next year as the fund continues to grow. 

Trustees received the notice of the Annual Erie County Health Dept. Advisory Council Meeting, March 12.  Mr. Leber will attend.

The County Engineer sent a reminder notice that force account limits were raised by law last June.


NEW BUSINESS – Trustees reviewed the bids from Tusing Builders and Telamon Construction for siding the Ransom Rd. Building with metal.  The siding will eliminate water intrusion through mortar joints in the wall that collects in the insulation and causes paint to lift on the interior walls.  After review, it was decided to accept the bid from Telamon for $40,219 to side the north, west, and south walls.  Mr. Leber made a motion to approve a resolution to expend $26,946.73 from American Rescue Plan Act funds for 67% of the work.  Mr. Parker provided a second and the motion was voted on and carried.  Mr. Leber moved to approve $13, 272.73 for 33% of the work from Fire and Emergency Services funds as 1/3 of the work is for the Fire Department and Mr. Parker provided a second and the motion was voted on and carried.  Mr. Leber moved to award the contract to Telamon for $40,219 and Mr. Parker provided a second and the motion voted on and carried.

Mr. Parker advised a quote from PlayGround World, Avon, Ohio, for replacement of the basketball hoop and slide for the park.  Cost was $11,238.99 installed.  It was discussed that we should put in for the Erie MetroParks grant this year in the amount of $5,500 to defray some of the cost and that we should complete the application and vote on the submittal at the next meeting.

Mr. Parker announced the selection of Brian Miller as Trustee to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Stewart, ending December 31, 2025.  There were 11 fine candidates interviewed to select from.

Mr. Miller will be officially appointed and sworn in by Judge C.J. Kamm March 21 at the beginning of regular session, 7 PM.

Mr. Leber moved to pay the bills in the amount of $5298.96 and Mr. Parker provided a second and the motion voted on and carried.


Motion to adjourn by Mr. Leber.  Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Michel G. Parker, Trustee – Chairman                            Scott Leber, Trustee

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