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Oxford Township, Erie County, Ohio USA

Regular Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2016


President Mike Parker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call

Roll call indicated that all Trustees were present. Also present was Phillip David, Fiscal Officer/ Zoning Inspector, and Road Superintendent David Kelley.



At this point President Stewart turned the chair over to Fiscal Officer Phillip M. David, Mr. David called for nominations for the office of President. Mr. Parker nominated Trustee James Stewart for the office of President, Scott Leber seconded the motion. At this time Mr. Leber moved the nominations be closed, Mr. Parker seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; nominations were closed. Roll was called for election of Mr. Stewart for president, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


Mr. David yielded the chair to the new President. Mr. Stewart called for nominations for Vice-President. Mr. Parker moved to nominate Trustee Scott Leber for the office of Vice-President, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Mr. Leber moved the nominations be closed, Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. Roll was called; with all present voting yes nominations were closed. Mr. Stewart called for a vote to elect Mr. Leber as Vice President, with all present voting yes; Mr. Leber will assume the duties of Vice-President. 



Mr. Parker moved to approve the minutes for December 29th, 2015 meeting, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.



No guests were present.


Zoning Report:

Mr. David reported that he had issued no new permits since the last meeting.


Road Superintendent

Mr. Kelley reported that several roads needed berming material; he estimated that approximately 165 ton of stone would be needed. There was some discussion; Mr. David said the funds were available to purchase the needed stone. The Trustees told Mr. Kelley to move ahead with the berming wherever he thought necessary. Road repairs for 2016 were discussed. Mr. Kelley said he would hopefully have new pricing on crack seal material and asphalt for 2016 for the next meeting.



Mr. Leber said he didn’t have anything to report at this time.


Mr. Parker said after reviewing  the fall issue of the Oxford Township Messenger and knowing how short of time she had to prepare, he wanted to commend Liana Wensink on her first issue, he then moved to continue the Messenger Editor salary at $125.00 per issue, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


Mr. Stewart questioned if the time and day of the Trustee meetings and work sessions should be posted in the newspaper. After some discussion, Mr. David said that there are signs on front of the building announcing the time and day of the meetings, but he would see that a notice was listed in the newspaper.


Fiscal Officer

Mr. David distributed copies of the purposed 2016 temporary appropriations to the Trustees for their review. After some discussion, Mr. Parker moved to adopt the purposed 2016 temporary appropriations, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.



Communications were reviewed.


Old Business

There was no old business to discuss.


New Business

Mr. Parker suggested that a work session be held before the next Trustee meeting to review and update the five year plan. After some discussion, it was decided to meet at 6:00 pm before the January 21 meeting for a work session. Mr. David said he would see that it was announced.


Mr. Parker moved to pay the bills in the amount of $11,725.83, Mr. Leber seconded the motion. Roll was called, with all present voting yes; motion carried.


No further business, meeting was adjourned.





James W. Stewart, President                                    Phillip M. David, Fiscal Officer

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James W. Stewart-President


Cell: 419-656-3243


Scott Leber-Vice-President


Cell: 419-706-5850


Michael G Parker-Trustee 


Cell: 419-704-2549